Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The presentation of Hearing loss amongst individuals can be in so many unique ways. However, here are some of the questions our team receives frequently, along with our expert answers. You may have questions that are not covered here. If this is the case, you can list them and bring them to your appointment. We will ensure you get answers and support you through the journey to achieving optimal hearing health.

What Causes of Hearing loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors including Exposure to loud noises, Head injury, ototoxic medications, recurrent ear infections, Illnesses, Heredity and Aging.

Can Some Occupations Contribute to Hearing Loss?

Yes, occupational hearing loss is a common cause of hearing loss globally. Occupations like Factory jobs, Construction workers, Grinders, Motorcycle riders, Flight crew and every occupation that requires prolonged exposure to noise can lead to hearing loss.

How common is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a very common problem that affects approximately 8.5 million Nigerians. So if you have a hearing loss, you are not alone.

Is Hearing loss curable?

In most cases, hearing loss is not curable. However, it can be managed using amplification devices.

How can hearing loss be avoided?

Hearing loss can be prevented by reducing exposure to loud noise, beware of drugs that cause hearing loss, take care when listening to music, take precautions at work and get your hearing tested regularly.

How do I care for my ear?

  • Turn the Volume down
  • Do not insert cotton wool or sharp objects into the ear
  • Take medications only as directed
  • Itching, discharge and pains in the ear should be reported to an Audiologist or Doctor
  • Report wax build up to an Audiologist or Doctor
  • Keep your ears dry

What are the early signs of hearing loss?

Difficulty hearing other people clearly, misunderstanding what they say especially in noisy places, asking people to repeat themselves, listening to music or TV at a volume higher than what other people need, difficulty hearing during phone calls, and finding it hard to keep up with a conversation, are all signs of hearing loss.

Can a newborn baby have hearing loss?

Yes, newborns can have a hearing loss as a result of genetic disorders, toxic chemicals and/or medicines while in the womb which may significantly impact babies’ development.

Is Hearing loss infectious?

While hearing loss can be secondary to childhood infections, the condition itself is not infectious.

At what point do I require hearing aid?

There is no definitive answer to this as hearing loss presentations differ widely amongst people. However, when the hearing loss becomes a limiting factor in daily life activities and events, its probably time to get tested and fitted with an amplification device.

Who are the appropriate specialists to see for hearing problems?

When presented with hearing problems, your first point of contact should be a qualified Audiologist. An Audiologist will carry out an evaluation of your hearing ability and provide you with expert advice on steps to conserve your hearing and/or rehabilitation as the case may be.

Who is an Audiologist?

An Audiologist is a hearing health care professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. The Audiologist is different from the Ear Nose and Throat Specialist. You can think of an audiologist primarily as a Doctor of Hearing.

Will a hearing aid restore my hearing to normal?

 Hearing aids are designed to make listening easier, but will not restore the natural functioning of the ear. Hearing aids also do not prevent the progression of hearing loss over time.

I have ringing in my ears, what is that?

If you have a ringing, hissing or buzzing sound in one or both ears, you may have a condition called “tinnitus.” There is no cure for tinnitus, but it can be treated with hearing aids and managed with a great deal of success.

Do hearing aids really work today?

Today’s advanced hearing aids are very effective. Recent developments in technology have resulted in hearing aids that are easy to use, effective, and comfortable to wear.

Can hearing loss cause anxiety?

Yes. People with hearing loss may become depressed, anxious or withdrawn. There are many ways to alleviate these systems, including taking the first steps to diagnosing hearing loss.

How do I get rid of excess ear wax?

Visit your Audiologist or physician to have your ears cleaned if you have a lot of wax. It’s important that ear wax obstructions and buildup is removed before having a hearing evaluation.

How often should I get my hearing tested?

We recommend getting your hearing tested annually (if above 60 years old) and once in two years (if below 60 years) so that you, along with your hearing care professional can track any progression in your hearing loss or changes in your hearing health. Free annual hearing tests are part of our complimentary lifetime service when you purchase a set of hearing aids at the hEarMaX Centre.

Who is a speech-language pathologist?

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are specialists who are responsible for the evaluation and treatment of persons with speech, language, cognitive-communication and swallowing disorders.


What are the causes of speech and language disorders in children?

Speech and language disorders can occur in isolation or concomitantly with other developmental conditions such as Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, traumatic brain injury and some level of hearing loss. 


What are the consequences of communication disorders in children?

Communication disorders in children may affect social, emotional and mental development, academic underachievement, poor employment outcomes and ultimately a decline in the quality of life experienced.


What are the signs of language disorders in children?

These signs vary in children and could be some or combination of the following; reduced vocabulary when compared to peers, incoherent or incomplete sentences, inability to express self, omission and/or addition of words while talking, social isolation amongst others. 


When should I be concerned about my child’s communication disorder? 

One and a half to three years: Doesn’t put words together to form a sentence. Eighteen months to two years: Doesn’t understand words easily. Two to three years: Has trouble talking and playing with other kids. Two and a half to three years: Has trouble with early writing and reading skills


What can I do to help my child’s speech-language development?

Helping a child with Speech-Language difficulty may include engaging in the following activities; learning rhyme together, repetition of new words, singing poems and songs together, reading stories together. All of this stimulate language learning for children.


Will my father/mother regain his or her communication skills after having a stroke?

Communication problems after stroke tends to get better. With time appropriate speech language therapy, communication skills may be restored completely.


Do I need to be worried if my child stutters?

Stuttering is a speech problem that makes effective communication difficult for children which often starts around age 2-4 years, it can be a problem if it persists until primary school level.  It is highly important to seek quick intervention of a Speech-Language pathologist when such need arises in a child


My child has a history of ear infection; could this affect his/her speech or language development?

Yes! The presence of a persistent ear infection in a child could lead to hearing loss which could lead to a communication disorder. Speak to a medical professional if your child presents with persistent ear infections. 


At what age should I seek the service of a speech-language pathologist if my child fails to talk?

If by 12 months of age, a child doesn’t react when spoken to, it could be a sign that the service of a specialist; Audiologist and/or a speech language pathologist is required.